コロキウム / Colloquium

当宇宙進化グループでのセミナーを希望される方は、 2023年度セミナー係の山本 凌也 (ryoya) か戸丸一樹 (tomaru) までご一報ください (あっとastro-osaka.jp をつけてください)。

If you would like to present an OUTAP colloquium, please contact Ryoya YAMAMOTO (ryoya), or Kazuki TOMARU (tomaru). You will need to append _at_astro-osaka.jp to the email.

直近の宇宙進化コロキウム / Next OUTAP Colloquium

Date Location Speaker Title
02/20 (火/Tue) 14:00 F608 Prof. Kenji KADOTA (HIAS-UCAS) Multi-messenger probes on dark matter surrounding black holes
01/31 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Prof. Antonio Enea ROMANO (Antioquia University) The mirage of luminal modified gravitational-wave propagation and the effects of GW interaction
01/24 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 B4 Presentations B4 Presentations
01/17 (水/Wed) 16:30 F608 Prof. Kinwah WU (University College London) Studying fundamental physics and astrophysics using millisecond pulsars around a massive black hole (ESS Seminar)
01/10 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Mr. Kazuki TOMARU (Osaka University) Gas Disks, Flows, and Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies
01/09 (水/Wed) 15:00 F608 Prof. Evan SCANNAPIECO (Arizona State University) Deriving New Constraints on the History of Black Hole Feedback (ESS Seminar)
12/20 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Mr. Zhao ZHANG (Osaka University) Probing the Baryonic Distribution in Cosmic Large Scale Structures and Galactic Environments with FRBs based on Hydrodynamic Numerical Simulations
12/13 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 M2 Presentations M2 Presentations
11/29 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Prof. Kimihiko NAKAJIMA (NAOJ) Unveiling the Interstellar Medium and Stellar Population in High-Redshift Galaxies: Insights from the Early JWST/NIRSpec Observations
11/22 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Jiro SHIMODA (ICRR) Role of Cosmic-Rays in Astrophysics: The History of Our Galaxy and Importance of Galactic Diffuse X-ray Emission
11/1 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 & Zoom (hybrid) Prof. Shinsuke TAKASAO (Osaka University) Current status of our star-disk interaction study
10/25 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Ryo SAWADA (The University of Tokyo) '56Ni problem' in Canonical Supernova Explosion
10/18 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Yoko OYA (YITP) Chemical Diagnostics for Tracing the Physical Structures in Disk-Forming Regions of Young Low-Mass Protostellar Sources
10/17 (火/Tue) 14:00 F608 Mr. Keiya HIRASHIMA (The University of Tokyo) Surrogate modeling for supernova feedback in galaxy simulations
10/11 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 & Zoom (hybrid) Mr. Ryoya YAMAMOTO (Osaka University) Numerical simulations of magnetic field transport in black hole accretion disks
10/4 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Prof. Yoshiyuki INOUE (Osaka University) Neutrino Production in Black Hole Coronae
08/18 (金/Fri) 11:00 F313 Dr. Chris HAYWARD (CCA) Starbursts, outflows, and the emergence of disk galaxies
07/26 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Daisuke TOYOUCHI (Osaka University) Formation of the first-generation stars and mass growth of their remnant black holes
07/25 (火/Tue) 14:00 F608 Mr. Paul LAI (University College London) Constraining the Millisecond Pulsar Population near the Galactic Centre Using High-Energy Neutrino Imaging
07/24 (月/Mon) 14:00 F620 Dr. Alison MITCHELL (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Galactic Cosmic Rays and Energetic Pulsar Environments
07/18 (火/Tue) 10:30 F608 M1 Presentations M1 Presentations
07/12 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Prof. Yang LUO (Yunnan University) Prospect for detecting first quasar with Lya signatures
07/05 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Prof. Kentaro NAGAMINE (Osaka University) Cosmic Filaments and their Impact on Galaxy Formation
06/28 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 & Zoom (hybrid) Dr. Sudipta HENSH (Osaka University) Tidal heating with torsion and state of dense matter from binary neutron star merger simulation
06/21 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Mr. Keita FUKUSHIMA (Osaka University) Chemical Enrichment in Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies (EMPGs)
6/14 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Marcel STRZYS (ICRR) Are Supernova remnants the source of Galactic Cosmic rays? Insights from Gamma ray observations
06/07 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 & Zoom (hybrid) Mr. Abednego WILIARDY (Osaka University) AGN Jets Simulated With GADGET3-Osaka Code
05/25 (木/Thu) 10:30 F620 Prof. Francisco-Shu KITAURA (IAC) The connection between the cosmic web and its tracers
05/24 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Jeong-Gyu KIM (NAOJ) Star formation efficiency and destruction of giant molecular clouds with stellar feedback
05/17 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 & Zoom (hybrid) Mr. Nicolas LEDOS (Osaka University) Role of magnetic field and thermal conduction on cold streams accreting massive galaxies
05/10 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Mr. Yuri OKU (Osaka University) Supernova feedback on galaxy evolution in cosmological simulations
04/26 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 Dr. Samuel BARNIER (Osaka University) A spectral model of accreting black holes: the JED-SAD model, applications and interpretations
04/19 (水/Wed) 14:00 F608 & Zoom (hybrid) Dr. Haruka WASHINOUE (Osaka University) Numerical studies on coronal heating by MHD processes
