コロキウム / Colloquium

当宇宙進化グループでのセミナーを希望される方は、 2021年度セミナー係の福島 啓太 (k-fukushima) か Nicolas LEDOS (ledos) までご一報ください (あっとastro-osaka.jp をつけてください)。

If you would like to present an OUTAP colloquium, please contact Nicolas LEDOS (ledos) or Keita FUKUSHIMA (k-fukushima). You will need to append _at_astro-osaka.jp to the email.

直近の宇宙進化コロキウム / Next OUTAP Colloquium

Date Location Speaker Title
2/02 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Anupam BHARDWAJ (INAF, Italy) Precision stellar astrophysics and the distance scale with pulsating stars
1/26 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Shota NOTSU (RIKEN) Astrochemistry and molecular composition in protoplanetary disks and protostellar envelopes
1/19 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Haruka SAKEMI (Kagoshima University) Investigation of cosmic-ray particle acceleration by galactic microquasar SS433
1/12 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Hideyuki HOTTA (Chiba University) High-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations for solar-like differential rotation
1/05 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Feng CHEN (Nanjing University) Radiative magnetohydrodynamics simulations of solar active regions from emergence to eruption
12/15 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Mr. Ryo TERAGUCHI (Osaka University) Cold streams and Star-formation
12/08 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Mr. Abednego WILIARDY (Osaka University) AGN Feedback Model in Galaxy Simulations
12/01 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Kazuhito MOTOGI (Yamaguchi University) The first gravitationally unstable disk around the youngest high mass protostar.
11/24 (水/Wed) 13:00 Zoom (online) Dr. Mariko KIMURA (RIKEN) Multi-wavelength study of dwarf novae
11/17 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Koki KAKIICHI (University of California, Santa Barbara) How did galaxies and supermassive black holes reionize the universe?
11/10 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Mariko NOMURA (National Institute of Technology, Kure College) Radiation hydrodynamics simulations of AGN winds: comparison with observations and impact on SMBH growth
10/27 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Mr. Ryo TERAGUCHI (Osaka University) Cold streams in galaxy formation
10/20 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Takuma IZUMI (SOKENDAI) Challenge of Subaru and ALMA: early co-evolution of supermassive black holes and host galaxies
10/13 (水/Wed) 15:00 Zoom (online) Dr. Alessandro Lupi (University of Milano-Bicocca) Galaxy ISM across cosmic time: from high-redshift massive galaxies to low-redshift dwarfs
10/06 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Mr. Abednego WILIARDY (Osaka University) Review on AGN Feedback and Many Approaches via Simulations
09/29 (水/Wed) 13:00 Zoom (online) Prof. Nagisa HIROSHIMA (University of Toyama) Dark Matter Halo and its Implication for Indirect Search
08/04 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Takahiro UEDA (NAOJ) From Dust to Planets: Evolution of Solids in Inner Region of Protoplanetary Disks
07/28 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Hajime FUKUSHIMA (University of Tsukuba) Radiation hydrodynamics simulations of massive star cluster formation
07/21 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Riouhei NAKATANI (RIKEN) Photoevaporation of Protoplanetary Disks: Revisiting the Underlying Physics and a Newly-Found Link to Formation of Gas-Rich Debris Disks
07/14 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Yuichi HARIKANE (University of Tokyo, ICRR; University College London) Statistical Properties of 4,000,000 High Redshift Galaxies at z~2-7 Identified in the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey
07/07 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Taysun KIMM (Yonsei University) Difficulties of simulating realistic galaxies
06/30 (水/Wed) 13:30 Zoom (online) Dr. Rebecca DAVIES (Swinburne University of Technology) The Impact of Galactic Winds on Galaxies and Halos over Cosmic Time
06/23 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Munehito SHODA (NAOJ) Modeling the corona and XUV emission from the Sun and Sun-like stars
06/16 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Philip TAYLOR (Australian National University) AGN feedback and the Cosmic Baryon Cycle
06/09 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Mr. Takafumi TSUKUI (SOKENDAI) Rotating gas dynamics and spiral morphology in a galaxy at redshift 4.4
06/02 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Dr. Volodymyr TAKHISTOV (IPMU) Shining Light on Dark Matter with Black Holes
05/19 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Alexander Y. WAGNER (University of Tsukuba) Idealized simulations of AGN feedback
05/12 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Luca BAIOTTI (Osaka University) Investigating the highest-density nuclear equation of state, through gravitational waves from neutron star mergers
04/28 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Shinsuke TAKASAO (Osaka University) Theoretical approach to reveal the inner boundary conditions for star forming regions
04/21 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Yoshiyuki INOUE (Osaka University) Coronal Magnetic Activity in nearby Active Supermassive Black Holes
04/14 (水/Wed) 14:15 Zoom (online) Prof. Kentaro NAGAMINE (Osaka University) AGN feedback and Direct Collapse to massive black holes
