
JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Leading Research; ILR), 国際共同研究加速基金(国際先導研究), "Comprehensive understanding of the formation history of structures in the Universe(宇宙における天体と構造の形成史の統一的理解)" (PI: S. Miyazaki, Co-I: Nagamine and 9 others) 2022-2029 (¥688,610,000 (Direct Cost: ¥529,700,000、Indirect Cost: ¥158,910,000))

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), "Frontiers of Cosmic Reionization and Galaxy Formation Opened Up by the Massive Spectroscopic Survey with Subaru PFS(すばるPFSの超大型分光探査で切り開く宇宙再電離と銀河形成研究の新領域)" (PI: Masami Ouchi, Co-I: Nagamine) 2020–2024

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), "Theoretical research on new particle physics models and the evolution of the early universe unravelling the origin of matter(物質の起源を解明する新たな素粒子模型と初期宇宙進化の理論研究)" (PI: Koichi Hamaguchi, Co-I: Nagamine) 2019–2023

Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, "The regulation of angular momentum in star formation: the secret behind planet formation(星形成過程における角運動量輸送:惑星形成過程の理解に向けて)" (Host researcher for Dr. Pierre Marchand, w/ Prof. Kengo Tomida) 特別研究員奨励費、2017-2019、 ¥2,300,000 (Direct Cost: ¥2,300,000)

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), "Towards Precision Structure Formation Theory: cosmic distribution of baryons, metals, and dust(精密構造形成論へ:宇宙におけるバリオン・メタル・ダストの分布)" 科研費基盤A [PI, 2017(H29)-2020(H31), ¥44,720,000 (Direct Cost: ¥34,400,000、Indirect Cost: ¥10,320,000)]

International Joint Research Promotion Program (Type A+) 大阪大学国際共同研究促進プログラム タイプA+, Osaka Univ., “Formation and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes from a Cosmological Perspective” (宇宙論的視点で追う巨大ブラックホールの生成と進化)[PI, 2017(H29)−2023(R5), 50万円x7年=350万円]

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakehhi Kiban-A), "Understanding formation of supermassive black hole seeds at high-redshift via direct collapse" [PI: Shlosman, Co-PI: Nagamine, 2016(H28)-2019(H30), ¥36,920,000 (Direct Cost: ¥28,400,000、Indirect Cost: ¥8,520,000)]

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi Kiban-A), "The third revolution in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations: first galaxy formation and reionization(第3次革命を迎えた宇宙論的銀河形成流体シミュレーション:原始銀河形成と宇宙再電離)" (PI, 2014-2017, ¥24,180,000 (Direct Cost: ¥18,600,000、Indirect Cost: ¥5,580,000)

"International Joint Research Promotion Program" (国際共同研究促進プログラム), Osaka Univ., “Formation and Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes from a Cosmological Perspective” [PI, 2014−2016, 計3211万円 (H25年度: 250万円、H26年度: 1050万円、H27年度: 1050万円+149万円 (短期人件費支援), H28年度: 712万円; total ~$292k USD)]

below at UNLV

NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory Cycle 14, Theory grant, "Discriminating different AGN feedback models with multi-scale hydrodynamic simulations" (PI, 2013-2014, $67,631)

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 18, Theory grant, "Physical Properties of High-Redshift WFC3 Galaxies" (PI, 09/01/2010-08/31/2011, $44,998)

NSF OCI, "Peta-scale Cosmology: galaxy formation and virtual astronomy" (PI, 04/15/2009-03/31/2012, $40,000)

NSF AST, "Understanding gamma-ray burst emission physics with multiwavelength data" (PI: B. Zhang, Co-I: Nagamine, 2009-2012, $339,621)

NSF AST, "Black Hole Feedback and Galaxy Formation" (PI, 08/15/2008-07/31/2011, $449,317)

NASA Spitzer Space Telescope, Theory grant, "Infrared Properties of High-z Galaxies" (PI, 07/16/2008-06/30/2010, $50,000)

NASA EPSCoR, "Nevada Astrophysics" (Co-I, 01/01/2008-12/31/2010, $500,001 for 7 UNLV faculty)

NASA ATFP, "Formation and Evolution of Galaxies" (Co-I, 07/01/2008-06/31/2011, $0 for UNLV)

President's Infrastructure Award, UNLV (Co-I, 2007, ~$70,000 for UNLV Astronomy Group)

NSF TeraGrid/XSEDE supercomputing time allocation, 2007-2014

New Investigator Award, UNLV, "Implementing Learner-Centered Strategies in Introductory Astronomy Courses: A Case Study of a New Professor" (Co-I, 04/01/2007-03/31/2009, $14,324)

University Faculty Travel Award, UNLV (F06, F09, F10, S12)

below at graduate school

Bowen Fellowship, Physics Department, Princeton University, 1996-1998

Multi-year Ambassadorial Fellowship, Rotary Foundation, 1996-1998

Japan Ikuei-kai Fellowship, 1996-1998