長峯 健太郎(理学博士)


大阪大学 大学院理学研究科
宇宙進化グループ 教授

Theoretical Astrophysics Group (OU-TAP)
Department of Earth and Space Science
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

私は宇宙のことを研究している宇宙物理学者です。宇宙はなぜ、どのように膨張しているのか? なぜ大規模構造が存在するのか? 銀河はいつ、どのように生まれて、なぜ様々な形や色をしているのか? ブラックホールはどのように銀河の成長に影響を与えるのか? 宇宙の星形成史はどのようになっているのか? 私はこのような疑問に答えるために、スパコンを使って重力と流体力学の法則を解きながら宇宙全体の構造形成のシミュレーションをしています。これは「数値計算宇宙論」とも呼ばれる比較的新しい研究分野です。

I am an astrophysicist studying the Universe. How and why is the Universe expanding? When and how did galaxies form? Why do they exhibit large-scale structure? Why do they have different colors and morphologies? How do black holes affect galaxy formation? What is the history of cosmic star formation in our Universe? These are the questions that I'm trying to answer. In practice, I use supercomputers to simulate the evolution of the Universe and the matter therein using the laws of gravity and hydrodynamics. This relatively new field of study is sometimes called "Computational Cosmology" or "Numerical Cosmology".


Princeton University, Physics, Ph.D., 2001

Thesis: "Predictions of Lambda CDM Eulerian Hydrodynamic Simulations on Galaxy Formation and Evolution"
(Advisor: Prof. Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences)

Princeton University, Physics, M.A., 1998

University of Tokyo, Physics, B.S., 1996

[Theoretical Astrophysics Group]


Full Professor

Dept. of Earth and Space Science, Osaka Univ., Japan

2013 - Present

Project Leader

Theoretical Joint Research Project (TJR), Forefront Research Center (FRC) 理論連携研究プロジェクト、フォアフロント研究センター

2022 - Present


Dept. of Earth and Space Science & Dept. of Physics, Osaka Univ., Japan

2019 - 2020

Visiting Senior Scientist

Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo

2018 - Present

Associate Professor (tenured)

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, UNLV

2011 - 2013

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, UNLV

2006 - 2011

Visiting Researcher

Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), University of Tokyo

Summer '08, '09, '10, '12

Postdoctoral Fellow

Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences (CASS), UC San Diego

2004- 2006

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dept. of Astronomy, Harvard University

2001 - 2004

Teaching Assistant

Physics Department, Princeton University

1998 - 2000

Research Assistant

Physics Department, Princeton University
Participated in the Borexino experiment (neutrino detector project in Italy)

1996 - 1998


Topics related to cosmology and structure formation in the Universe. For example,

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Publications Google-Scholar NASA-ADS NSPIRE-HEP Scopus ResearchGate Mendeley
Theoretical Astrophysics Group