(学会・研究会 会議録、及び発表記録)
"Metal Enrichment in CROCODILE"
Y. Oku and K. Nagamine, Cosmology and galaxy astrophysics with simulations and machine learning (CAMELS) workshop 2024, CCA, Flatiron Institute, NYC (Dec 12, 2024)
"CROCODILE simulation – understanding the baryon & metal distribution with IGM tomography"
K. Nagamine and Y. Oku, CAMELS workshop 2024, CCA, Flatiron Institute, NYC (Dec 9-13, 2024)
K. Nagamine, Y. Oku, et al. HPCI成果報告会 2024, Shinagawa, Tokyo (Oct 24-25, 2024)
"ILR theory & ELT efforts"
K. Nagamine, ILR Workshop 2024, U. of Osaka (Sep 25-27, 2024)
"初代銀河形成と星形成、top-heavy IMF"
K. Nagamine, Exploring Extreme Transients: Emerging Frontiers and Challenges, Kyoto U. (Aug 5-9, 2024)
"Anomalous abundance ratio & top-heavy IMF — contrasting high-z & local dwarf gals"
K. Nagamine, Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop & AGORA workshop, UC Santa Cruz, CA (Jul 29 - Aug 2, 2023)
"Closing remarks of LSS Quest towards future"
K. Nagamine, Large Scale Structure Quest 2024, Nakanoshima Center, U. of Osaka (June 24-25, 2024)
"Understanding the distribution of HI & metals in CGM/IGM"
K. Nagamine, What Matter(s) Around Galaxies
Workshop 2024, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Lake Como, Italy (June 17-21, 2024)
"Early structure formation at high-z from theoretical/numerical simulation perspective — anomalous abundance ratio & top-heavy IMF"
K. Nagamine, ELT-JWST workshop, Tohoku Univ., Sendai (June 4-7, 2024)
"Anomalous abundance ratio & top-heavy IMF in first galaxies"
K. Nagamine, First Stars VII conference, CCA, Flatiron Instituite, NY (May 20-24, 2024)
"Understanding the matter distribution in the Universe on small scales"
K. Nagamine, NIFS + AGORA workshop , Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea (May 7-10, 2024)
"Mapping Baryon Physics and Three-dimensional Lya Forest onto Dark Matter Fields"
K. Nagamine, Baryons in the Universe 2024, K-IPMU, U.-Tokyo, Kashiwa (Apr 11, 2024)
"Understanding Matter Distribution in the Universe"
K. Nagamine, Special PFS session, Spring 2024 meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan, U.-Tokyo, Hongo campus (Mar 11, 2024)
"Understanding Matter Distribution in the Universe"
K. Nagamine, Subaru PFS Satellite Workshop, Spring 2024 meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan, NAOJ, Mitaka, Tokyo (Mar 9, 2024; Invited talk)
Tutorial lecture on "Cosmic Structure Formation"
K. Nagamine, Invited tutorial lecture at the 10th Supernova & Neutrino workshop 2024, Okayama Univ. (Feb 29 - Mar 1, 2024)
"Mapping Baryon Physics and Three-dimensional Lya Forest onto Dark Matter Fields via supervised machine-learning"
K. Nagamine, CD3-AI4phys “AI-driven discovery in physics and astrophysics” workshop, K-IPMU, U.-Tokyo (Jan 25-26, 2024)
"AGN jet feedback simulations and AGORA comparison project efforts"
K. Nagamine, Black Holes on Broadway workshop, CCA, Flatiron Institute, NYC (Dec 4-7, 2023)
"CGM structure in high-z galaxies"
K. Nagamine, 微細構造輝線研究会、愛媛大学 (Sep 4-5, 2023)
"AGN jet feedback simulations w/ GADGET3-Osaka and AGORA comparison project efforts"
K. Nagamine, Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop & AGORA workshop, UC Santa Cruz, CA (Aug 8-12, 2023)
"Feedback models in galaxy simulations and probing their impact by cosmological hydrodynamic simulations"
K. Nagamine, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 17 / Issue S373, August 2021, pp 283-292, doi: 10.1017/S1743921323000133 Published Online on 9 June 2023 [ADS arXiv ADS-2]
"Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations
Y. Oku, K. Tomida, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, R. Cen, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 17 / Issue S373, August 2021, pp 181-185, doi: 10.1017/S1743921322004860 Published Online on 9 June 2023 [ADS]
"Galaxy Formation and Mass Accretion"
K. Nagamine, Yamada Conference, Kyoto Univ.; 山田研究会「宇宙における降着現象 ~活動性・多様性の源~」(June 3-5, 2023; Invited talk)
"ILR theory effort -- galaxy formation and structure formation"
K. Nagamine, International Leading Research (ILR) kickoff meeting, NAOJ, Tokyo (May 31 - June 2, 2023)
"Impact of magnetic field and thermal conduction onto cold streams accreting massive high redshift galaxies"
N. Ledos, S. Takasao, K. Nagamine, X35a, 2023年春季天文学会年会 (Mar 13-16, 2023)
"PFS 時代の galaxy-IGM study に向けた宇宙論的流体シミュレーション"
奥裕理、長峯健太郎、X34a, 2023年春季天文学会年会 (Mar 13-16, 2023)
"Cosmological hydrodynamic simulation for the galaxy--IGM study in the PFS era"
Y. Oku, K. Nagamine, 9th Galaxy Evolution Workshop, Kyoto University (Feb 20-23, 2023)
"Chemical Enrichment in the First Galaxies and Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxies"
K. Fukushima, K. Nagamine, 9th Galaxy Evolution Workshop, Kyoto University (Feb 20-23, 2023)
"PFS 時代の galaxy-IGM study に向けた宇宙論的流体シミュレーション"
奥裕理、長峯健太郎、Rironkon Symposium 2022, コラッセ福島 (Dec 21-23, 2022)
福島啓太、長峯健太郎、Rironkon Symposium 2022, コラッセ福島 (Dec 21-23, 2022)
"Molecular line radiative transfer in a Monte Carlo code SKIRT"
K. Matsumoto, P. Camps, M. Baes, K. Nagamine, L. E. C. Romano, H. Hirashita, R12b, 2022年秋季天文学会年会 (Sep 13-16, 2022)
福島啓太、長峯健太郎、清水一紘、X40a, 2022年秋季天文学会年会 (Sep 13-16, 2022)
"Dust and H2 in Galaxy Simulations, and how to probe feedback"
Nagamine, K., Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2022 and AGORA workshop, Santa Cruz, U.S.A. (Aug 15--20, 2022)
"Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations"
Oku, Y., Tomida, K., Nagamine, K., et al., Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop 2022 and AGORA workshop, Santa Cruz, U.S.A. (Aug 15--20, 2022)
"Regulation of Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution via Feedback"
Nagamine, K., IAU Symposium 373, "Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star Formation in Galaxies", Busan, Korea (Aug 9-11, 2022; Invited review)
"Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations"
Oku, Y., Tomida, K., Nagamine, K., et al. IAU Symposium 373, "Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star Formation in Galaxies", Busan, Korea (Aug 9-11, 2022)
"Star Formation and Chemical Enrichment in Protoclusters"
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., IAUGA 2022 Division J: Galaxies and Cosmology, #1186, Busan, Korea (Aug 9-11, 2022)
"Testing alternative DM models via structure formation in the universe"
Nagamine, K., UGAP2022 international workshop, Tokyo Science University, Chiba (Jun 13-15, 2022; Invited talk)
長峯健太郎、GREX-PLUSサイエンス検討会FY2021、早稲田大学(Mar 24-25, 2022)
福島啓太、長峯健太郎 (大阪大学)、松本明訓 (東京大学)、 大内正己 (国立天文台/東京大学)、斎藤 貴之 (神戸大学)、平居悠 (University of Notre Dame, 東北大学)、2022年春季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Mar 2-5, 2022)
“Star formation and chemical evolution in protocluster”
K. Fukushima, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, Cosmic Cartography 2022: Exploring the Cosmic Web and Large-Scale Structure (March 7-11, 2022, online, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan)
"Effect of heat conduction onto cold streams accretion inside circum-galactic-medium of massive high redshift galaxies"
N. Ledos, S. Takasao, K. Nagamine, 2022年春季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Mar 2-5, 2022)
"Osaka Feedback Model II: Modeling Supernova Feedback Based on High-Resolution Simulations"
Y. Oku, K. Tomida, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, R. Cen, Galaxy Evolution Workshop 2021 (Feb 7-10, 2022, online)
"Star formation and chemical evolution in protocluster"
K. Fukushima, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, Galaxy Evolution Workshop 2021 (Feb 7-10, 2022, online)
"AGN Feedback Model in Galaxy Simulation"
A. Wiliardy, K. Nagamine, R. Cen, CfCA ユーザーズミーティング 2022年 1月18日-19日 オンライン開催
"Effect of heat conduction onto cold streams accretion inside circum-galactic-medium of massive high redshift galaxies"
N. Ledos, S. Takasao, K. Nagamine, CfCA ユーザーズミーティング 2022年 1月18日-19日 オンライン開催
奥裕理、富田賢吾、長峯健太郎、清水一紘、R. Cen, CfCA ユーザーズミーティング 2022年 1月18日-19日 オンライン開催
福島啓太、長峯健太郎、清水一絋 CfCA ユーザーズミーティング 2022年 1月18日-19日 オンライン開催
奥裕理、富田賢吾、長峯健太郎、清水一紘、R. Cen、 理論懇シンポジウム 2021年 12月22日-12月24日 オンライン開催
「Cold Streamによる銀河へのガスの供給と星形成率の関係」
R. Teraguchi, K. Nagamine, et al., 理論懇シンポジウム、zoom開催 (Dec 22-24, 2021)
"Dust in Galaxy Simulations"
K. Nagamine, Workshop on Cosmic Dust, hosted by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg project "The origin and fate of dust in our Universe" (Invited talk; Dec 15-17, 2021)
"Galaxy, SMBH formation (including Reionization)"
Nagamine, K., 国立天文台将来シンポジウム:~波長を超えて将来計画を考える~ (Invited Review; Nov 9-10)
"Osaka Feedback Model II: Modelling supernovae based on high-resolution simulations"
奥裕理、富田賢吾、長峯健太郎、清水一紘、R. Cen, 1st KooGiG-Junior Workshop 2021年11月01日-05日
"Star Formation and Chemical Enrichment in Protocluster"
K. Fukushima, K. Nagamine, 1st KooGiG-Junior workshop in 2021 2021年 11月1日-5日Beijing, China, Virtual Workshop
"Anatomy of Cosmic Gas — galaxy clusters, SN / AGN / CR feedback(大規模構造と銀河形成の観点から)"
Nagamine, K., 「高エネルギー現象で探る宇宙の多様性」, 宇宙線研究所共同利用小研究会、ICRR, U-Tokyo, Kashiwa (Invited Review; Oct 18-19)
"Galaxy Formation & Metallicity Distribution"
Nagamine, K., Metal-poor Universe 2021 (金属欠乏宇宙2021) zoom開催 (Invited Review; Sep 27-30, 2021)
"Probing Feedback via Lyα forest & IGM tomography"
Nagamine, K., IGM-Galaxy Workshop 2021 (銀河-銀河間物質研究会) zoom開催 (Sep 16-18, 2021)
"AGN Jet Feedback Model for Galaxy Simulation"
A. Williardy, K. Nagamine, R. Cen, 2021年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 13-16, 2021)
Y. Oku, K. Tomida, K. Nagamine, K., I. Shimizu, 2021年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 13-16, 2021)
「原始銀河団中銀河の Lyα・Hα 放射とその星形成史」
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., 2021年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 13-16, 2021)
安藤梨花, 西澤淳, 長峯健太郎, 清水一紘 2021年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 13-16, 2021)
"Cold stream accretion: Effect of heat conduction on stream accretion"
N. Ledos, S. Takasao, K. Nagamine, Galaxy-IGM Workshop 2021年08月16日-20日 オンライン開催
奥裕理、富田賢吾、長峯健太郎、清水一紘 銀河・銀河間ガス研究会2021 2021年 8月16日-20日 オンライン開催
福島啓太、長峯健太郎、奥裕理、清水一絋、矢島秀伸 銀河・銀河間ガス研究会2021 2021年 8月 16日-20日 オンライン開催
"Osaka Feedback Model II: modeling feedback based on high-resolution simulations"
Y. Oku, K. Tomida, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, AGORA Workshop 2021 (online, Aug 12-14, 2021)
"Probing Feedback by Lya forest and IGM tomography"
K. Nagamine, AGORA Workshop 2021 (online, Aug 12-14, 2021)
"Star Formation and Chemical Enrichment in Protoclusters"
K. Fukushima, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, Galaxy Cluster Formation II (GCF 2021) (Jun 14-18, online talk) id.59 [PDF file]
"AGN Feedback Model for Galaxy Simulation"
A. Williardy, K. Nagamine, R. Cen, 2021年春季天文学会年会 (online; Mar 16-19, 2021)
Y. Oku, K. Tomida, K. Nagamine, K., I. Shimizu, 2021年春季天文学会年会 (online; Mar 16-19, 2021)
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., 2021年春季天文学会年会 (online; Mar 16-19, 2021)
"Probing the IGM via Mock Metal Observations at z=2.0~3.0"
J. M. Norris, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, CfCA Users' Meeting, NAOJ (online) (Jan 19-20, 2021)
“AGN Feedback Model for Galaxy Simulation”
A. Wiliardy, K. Nagamine, R. Cen, CfCA Users' Meeting, NAOJ (online) (Jan 19-20, 2021)
“Development of a Riemann-type solver for the hyperbolic formulation of anisotropic heat conduction for magnetohydrodynamic code”
N. Ledos, S. Takasao, K. Nagamine, CfCA Users' Meeting, NAOJ (online) (Jan 19-20, 2021)
“Modeling Supernovae Based on High Resolution Simulations”
Y. Oku, K. Tomida, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, CfCA Users' Meeting, NAOJ (online) (Jan 19-20, 2021)
福島啓太、長峯健太郎、清水一絋, CfCA Users' Meeting, NAOJ (online) (Jan 19-20, 2021)
"Metal & Dust in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations"
Nagamine, K., Dust2020 in Marseille, The Rise of Metals and Dust in Galaxies through Cosmic Time (Oct 26-30; Invited review talk)
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., 2020年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 8-10, 2020) (oral X01a)
"AGN Feedback Model in GADGET3-Osaka: Cosmological Simulation"
Wiliardy, A., Nagamine, K., Cen, R., 2020年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 8-10, 2020) (oral X02a)
Oku, Y., Tomida, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Cen, R., 2020年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 8-10, 2020) (oral X03a)
"Synthetic Metal Observations of z=2.0 IGM within Osaka Feedback Model Simulations"
Jackson, M. N., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., 2020年秋季天文学会年会、zoom開催 (Sep 8-10, 2020) (oral X04a)
銀河形成理論レビュー (Galaxy Formation: theory review)
Nagamine, K., 銀河・銀河間物質研究会, online (Aug 3-7, 2020; Invited review talk)
Modeling Supernovae Based on High Resolution Simulations
Y. Oku, K. Tomida, K. Nagamine, I. Shimizu, 銀河・銀河間物質研究会, online (Aug 3-7, 2020)
福島啓太、長峯健太郎、清水一絋, 銀河・銀河間物質研究会, online (Aug 3-7, 2020)
ISM and Galaxy Formation from a theoretical / numerical perspective
Nagamine, K., "The interstellar medium of high redshift galaxies" workshop, Sexten Center for Astrophysics, Italy (Jan 13-17, 2020; Invited talk)
Towards Modeling Supernovae in Galaxy Formation Simulation
Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., CfCA Users' Meeting, NAOJ, Tokyo, Mitaka (Jan 2020) (poster)
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., CfCA Users' Meeting, NAOJ, Tokyo, Mitaka (Jan 2020) (poster)
Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Tomida, K., 第32回 理論懇シンポジウム「天文学・宇宙物理学の変遷と新時代の幕開」, NAOJ, Tokyo (Dec 25-27, 2019) (poster P76)
Galaxy Formation at High-Redshift
Nagamine, K., "Galaxy Formation and Evolution Across Cosmic Time", ASIAA, Taiwan (Dec 8-13, 2019) (invited talk)
Evolution of SMBH in Cosmological Simulations & AGN feedback
Nagamine, K., Keihan BH workshop, Osaka U. (Nov 23) (invited talk)
Towards Modeling Supernovae in Galaxy Formation Simulation
Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., 初代星・初代銀河研究会2019, Nagoya U. (Nov 2019) (poster)
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Astronomical Society of Japan annual meeting, Kumamoto Univ. (Sep 2019) (poster)
Dark Matter & Galaxy Formation
Nagamine, K., 新学術「地下宇宙」領域研究会(Unraveling the History of the Universe and Matter Evolution with Underground Physics), Osaka Univ. (Aug 24-25, 2019) (invited talk)
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., サマースクール「コンパクト天体基礎講座」、Hiroshima (Aug 2019) (poster)
Oku, Y., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Galaxy-IGM workshop 2019, Hokkaido (Aug 2019) (poster)
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Galaxy-IGM workshop 2019, Hokkaido (Aug 2019) (poster)
Galaxy evolution and radiative properties in the early Universe: multi-wavelength analysis in cosmological simulations
Arata S., Yajima H., Nagamine K., et al. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 352 "Uncovering early galaxy evolution in the ALMA and JWST era", Viana do Castelo, Portugal, June 2019 (arXiv:1908.01438)
Evolution of metal composition ratio of gas in protocluster
Fukushima, K., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., 6th Galaxy Evolution Workshop, IPMU, U.-Tokyo (Jun 5-7, 2019) (poster)
Direct Collapse to SMBH Seeds with Radiation Transfer
Nagamine, K., SMBH research workshop, Kyoto Univ. (May 29-30, 2019) (talk)
Galaxy Formation at High-Redshift in the ELTs & JWST Era"
Nagamine, K., Extremely Big Eyes on the Early Universe", K-IPMU, U.-Tokyo (Mar 25-29, 2019) (invited talk)
初代銀河の多波長輻射特性 II: 金属輝線強度と銀河進化の関係
Arata, S., Yajima, H., Nagamine, K., ASJ Spring 2019 meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan, Hosei Univ. (Mar 14-16, 2019)
「理学研究とクラウド利用のニーズ:理論宇宙物理学の例」(Needs for Cloud Usage in Scientific Research: an example from theoretical astrophysics)
長峯健太郎 (K. Nagamine), Cyber HPC Symposium 2019, Cybermedia Center, Osaka U. (Mar 8, 2019)
Dark Matter & Structure Formation in the Universe
Nagamine, K., FPUA2019 workshop, OIST, Okinawa (Mar 1-4, 2019) (invited review)
Galaxy Formation in the next decade: theoretical point of view
Nagamine, K., Subaru-EAO workshop, NAOJ, Tokyo (Jan 31 - Feb 1, 2019) (invited review)
Galaxy Formation & Dark Matter
Nagamine, K., 31st Rironkon symposium, Kyoto Univ. (Dec 19-21, 2018) (invited review)
Direct Collapse to SMBH seeds in Cosmological Halos with Radiation Transfer
Nagamine, K., et al., IAU Symposium 341, Panmodel-2018, Osaka Univ., Osaka (Nov 12-16, 2018) (poster)
Radiative Properties of the First Galaxies: rapid transition from blue to red
Arata, S., Yajima, H., Nagamine, K., et al. IAU Symposium 341, Panmodel-2018, Osaka Univ., Osaka (Nov 12-16, 2018) (IAU poster award)
Dark Matter and Cosmological Structure Formation
Nagamine, K., Dark Matter / Particle Physics Workshop, Nagoya U. (Sep 25-26, 2018) (invited talk)
Dark Matter and Cosmological Structure Formation
Nagamine, K., COSMO-18 conference, IBS, Daejeon, Korea (Aug 26-28, 2018) (invited talk)
Probing Feedback and Metal Enrichment with AGORA & Subaru PFS
Nagamine, K., Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop & AGORA workshop joint session, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, Aug 10-11, 2018 (oral)
Direct Collapse to SMBH seed with Radiation Transfer
Nagamine, K., et al., Are AGN Special?, U. of Durham, UK (Jul 30 - Aug 3, 2018) (talk)
Direct Collapse to Supermassive Black Hole Seeds with Radiation Transfer
Nagamine, K., et al., Sakura CLAW Ly-a Conference, U. of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo (Mar 26-30, 2018) (poster)
Radiative property and detectability of the first galaxies
Arata, S., Yajima, H., Nagamine, K., Sakura CLAW Ly-a Conference, U. of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo (Mar 26-30, 2018) (poster; Nature Astronomy editor's choice award)
PFS Galaxy Evolution Survey. III: Modeling for PFS using cosmological simulations: feedback, metals, and IGM
Nagamine, K. et al., ASJ Spring 2018 meeting, PFS special session, Astronomical Society of Japan, Chiba Univ. (Mar 14-17, 2018) (oral)
Gas clump formation in high-redshift galaxies and their radiative properties
Arata, S., Yajima, H., Nagamine, K., 30th Rironkon Symposium, U. of Tokyo (Dec 25-27, 2017)
Getting bored with Lambda CDM? -- Structure Formation and Dark Matter
Nagamine, K. International workshop on "Axion physics and dark matter cosmology", Osaka Univ. (Dec 20-21, 2017) (Invited talk)
Formation of First Galaxies & Dust
Nagamine, K., "Distant Galaxies from the Far South", Bariloche, Argentina (Dec 11-15, 2017) (Invited talk)
Modeling for PFS using Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., PFS collaboration meeting, IPMU (Nov 27-30, 2017) (talk)
Impact of Star Formation and Stellar Feedback on First Galaxies and beyond
Nagamine, K. & Yajima, H., Fall annual meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan, Hokkaido Univ., Sep 13, 2017 (oral)
Cold Flows in Galaxy Formation
Nakamura, R., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Fall annual meeting, Astronomical Society of Japan, Hokkaido Univ., Sep 13, 2017 (oral)
Cold Flows in Galaxy Formation
Nakamura, R., Nagamine, K., Shimizu, I., Galaxy-IGM workshop, Oshamanbe, Hokkaido (Sep 7-10, 2017)
Studying SN feedback with absorption lines using cosmological simulation
Fujita, K., Nagamine, K. et al., Galaxy-IGM workshop, Oshamanbe, Hokkaido (Sep 7-10, 2017)
Cosmological Hydro Simulations and Subaru PFS survey
Nagamine, K., Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop & AGORA workshop joint session, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, Aug 10-13, 2017 (oral)
PFS and Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., PFS internal review meeting, MPA, Germany, Aug 8, 2017 (oral)
Impact of Feedback on High-z Galaxy Formation using Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., H. Yajima, APRIM 2017 conference, Taiwan, Jul 3-7, 2017 (poster)
Galaxy Simulations with Dust Formation and Destruction
Aoyama, et al. Nagamine, K., Rironkon Symposium (第29回 理論懇シンポジウム「重力が織りなす宇宙の諸階層」), Tohoku Univ., Dec 20-22, 2016 (oral)
Direct Collapse to Supermassive Black Hole Seeds: Comparing the AMR and SPH Approaches
Luo, Y., Nagamine, K., Shlosman, I., Rironkon Symposium (第29回 理論懇シンポジウム「重力が織りなす宇宙の諸階層」), Tohoku Univ., Dec 20-22, 2016 (poster)
Evolution of binary seeds in collapsing protostellar gas clouds
Satsuka, T., Tsuribe, T., Tanaka, S., Nagamine, K., Rironkon Symposium (第29回 理論懇シンポジウム「重力が織りなす宇宙の諸階層」), Tohoku Univ., Dec 20-22, 2016 (poster)
Globular Cluster Formation via Thermal Instability in First Galaxies
Arata, S., Yajima, H., Nagamine, K., Rironkon Symposium (第29回 理論懇シンポジウム「重力が織りなす宇宙の諸階層」), Tohoku Univ., Dec 20-22, 2016 (poster)
High-z Galaxy Formation, Feedback, & Dust
Nagamine, K., Nov 28, 2016. "Panoramas of the Evolving Cosmos," The 6th Subaru International Conference (Nov 28 - Dec 02, 2016)", International Conference Center Hiroshima, Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima City Center (poster)
Cosmic Gas, Galaxy Formation, Feedback, and Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., Aug 29, 2016. "IGM Tomography Workshop 2016", IPMU, U.Tokyo; Invited talk.
青山尚平 Kuan-Chou Hou 清水一紘 平下博之 長峯健太郎 第3回銀河進化学研究会 2016年6月3日 東北大学
Theoretical View on AGN-Starburst Connection: Merger vs. Smooth Accretion
Nagamine, K., Feb 16-17, 2016. "ALMA Workshop: Starburst-AGN Connection - Toward the Merger-Driven Unified Model for Triggering Nuclear Activities Science Workshop", NAOJ, Tokyo; Invited review talk.
The rise and fall of a challenger: the Bullet Cluster in Λ cold darkmatter simulations
Thompson, R., Dave, R., Nagamine, K., Jan 2016, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #227, id.223.06 [ADS]
Recent Development in Numerical Cosmology and High-Redshift Galaxies -- in ALMA Context --
Nagamine, K., Dec 8, 2015. East Asian ALMA Science Workshop, I-Site, Namba, Osaka; Invited review talk.
Recent Development in Numerical Cosmology and PFS
Nagamine, K., Nov 13, 2015. PFS workshop, IPMU, Kashiwa; Invited review talk.
Recent Development in Numerical Cosmology and SWIMS
Nagamine, K., Sep 17, 2015. TAO-SWIMS workshop @ Univ. of Tokyo, Mitaka; Invited review talk.
Metallicity Measurements of Gamma-Ray Burst and Supernova Explosion Sites: Lessons from HII regions in M31
Niino, Y., Nagamine, K., Zhang, B., Aug 2015. IAU General Assembly, Meeting #29, id.#2249599
Formation of Galaxies at High Redshifts
Nagamine, K., Jul 2015, Guillermo Haro 2015 Workshop: FORMING AND FUELING SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE SEEDS (INAOE, Tonantzintla, Puebla, Mexico, Jul 6-24; Invited review talk)
Recent Development in Numerical Simulations
Nagamine, K., Jun 2015, Tsukuba Galaxy-IGM Workshop, Tsukuba Univ., Jun 10-11; Invited review talk)
High-z Galaxy Formation and Feedback
Nagamine, K., Jun 2015, 第2回銀河進化研究会 (2nd Galaxy Evolution Workshop, Nagoya Univ., Jun 3-5; Invited review talk)
Galaxy Formation at High Redshift
Nagamine, K., Apr 2015, ISSI-BJ GRB Workshop (ISSI-BJ, Beijing, Apr 13-17; Invited review talk)
Galaxy Formation in High-z Universe
Nagamine, K., Jan 2015, 初代星・初代銀河研究会2015 (First Stars & First Galaxies Workshop, Tohoku Univ., Jan 19-21; Invited review talk)
Direct Collapse Simulations with Enzo AMR and Gadget/GIZMO SPH code
Nagamine, K., Luo, Y., Do Cao, L., Shlosman, I., Dec 2014, 第27回 理論懇シンポジウム, (Rironkon symposium, NAOJ, Tokyo, Dec 24-26; poster)
The Formation of Supermassive Black Hole at High Redshift
Luo, Y., Do Cao, L., Nagamine, K., Shlosman, I., Dec 2014, 第27回 理論懇シンポジウム, (Rironkon symposium, NAOJ, Tokyo, Dec 24-26; poster)
Massive Galaxy Formation and Multi-wavelengths properties in the Early Universe
Yajima, H., et al., Dec 2014, 第27回 理論懇シンポジウム, (Rironkon symposium, NAOJ, Tokyo, Dec 24-26; poster)
High-z galaxy formation and Submm-to-IR emission
Nagamine, K., Dec 2014, Extragalactic Fine Structure Line ALMA workshop, NAOJ, Tokyo (Dec 3; Invited talk)
Overview: Galaxy Formation & NIRB
Nagamine, K., Oct 2014, JAXA Near-IR Background Radiation Workshop (Oct 6-8; Invited review talk)
Kinetic SN Feedback and Other UNLV Efforts on AGORA
Nagamine, K., Aug 2014, Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop and the 3rd AGORA workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, USA (talk)
Seed Black Holes and Hyper-accretion
Shlosman, I. & Nagamine, K., Apr 2014, IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan (talk)
High-z Galaxies in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., Mar 2014, Japanese Astronomical Society Meeting, ICU, Tokyo, Japan (talk)
What we "WISH" for high-z galaxies
Nagamine, K., Dec 2013, WISH Science Workshop "Exploring the Darkness", NAOJ, Mitaka, Japan (talk)
Galaxy Formation and Chemical Enrichment using Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., Nov 2013, OMEG12, The 12th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, Tsukuba, Japan (talk) [ADS]
H2-based star formation in high-z galaxies and Reionization
Nagamine, K., Aug 2013, Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop (talk)
Black Hole Accretion, AGN Feedback Efficiencies, & Thermal Instability
Nagamine, K., et al., Aug 2013, Santa Barbara KITP Workshop, "Massive Black Holes: Birth, Growth, and Impact" (talk)
Impact of a H2-based star formation model on the z>=6 luminosity function and the ionizing photon budget
Jaacks, J., Nagamine, K., Thompson, R., Choi, J.-H., Jul 2013, "Mind the Gap" conference, Institute of Astronomy, Univ. of Cambridge, UK (poster)
Molecular hydrogen regulated star formation in cosmological SPH simulations
Thompson, R., Nagamine, K., Jaacks, J., Choi, J.-H., Jul 2013, "Mind the Gap" conference, Institute of Astronomy, Univ. of Cambridge, UK (poster)
Impact of a H2-based star formation model & Implications on the Reionization of the Universe
Nagamine, K., Cosmic Dawn at Ringberg, Ringberg Castle, Max Planck Society, Germany (Jun 17-21) (invited talk)
A Cold Channel for Black Hole Accretion in Cosmological Simulations
Kashi, A., Nagamine, K., Proga, D., Ostriker, J., Aug 2012, High-resolution Galaxy Simulation Comparison Project, 1st Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA (talk)
A Cold Channel for Black Hole Accretion in Cosmological Simulations
Kashi, A., Nagamine, K., Proga, D., Ostriker, J. P., 30 July - 3 Aug 2012, Black Hole Feedback, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH (poster)
Weak Scaling Results from the GADGET-3 Cosmological Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulations and HECA
Nagamine, K., Oser, L., Ostriker, J., Gajbe, M., Gryan, G., Cen, R., & Naab, T., July 2012, XSEDE12 conference, Chicago, IL (poster)
Alleviating the scaling problem of cosmological hydrodynamic simulations with HECA
Oser, L., Nagamine, K., Ostriker, J., Gajbe, M., Gryan, G., Cen, R., & Naab, T., July 2012, Extreme Scaling workshop, Chicago, IL (Talk)
High-z Galaxy Formation, Reionization of the Universe, and the Impact of H2-based Star Formation Model
Nagamine, K., Jaacks, J., & Thompson, R., May 2012, FIRST STARS IV - FROM HAYASHI TO THE FUTURE -. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1480, pp. 394-396 (2012) (poster) [ADS]
Steep Faint-end Slopes of Galaxy Mass and Luminosity Functions at z>=6 in Cosmological SPH Simulations and the Implications for Reionization
Jaacks, J., Choi, J.-H., Nagamine, K., Jan 2012, American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #219, #340.03 (poster) [ADS]
Gas Accretion onto a Supermassive Black Hole: a step to model AGN feedback
Nagamine, K., Barai, P., Proga, D., AGN Winds in Charleston. Proceedings of a Conference held 14-21 October, 2011 at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Edited by G. Chartas, F. Hamann, and K.M. Leighly. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 460. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012., p.245 (Talk) [ADS arXiv]
Physical Properties of High-z Galaxies at z>6 in Cosmological Simulations
Nagamine, K., July 2011, New Horizons for High Redshifts, IoA, Cambridge, UK (poster)
Properties of z>6 Galaxies in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Jaacks, J., Nagamine, K., et al. July 2011, Galaxy Formation, Durham, UK (poster)
Galaxy Counterparts to DLAs in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., July 2011, A Quarter Century of DLAs: Celebrating the Career of Arthur Wolfe, Ringberg, Germany (Invited talk)
High Redshift Galaxies in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Nagamine, K., July 2011, The First Galaxies Workshop, Ringberg, Germany (Invited talk)
Basic Properties of Infrared Galaxies in Cosmological Simulation
Lee, T.-S., Choi, J.-H., Nagamine, K., Jan 2011, AAS Meeting #217, #421.05; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 43 (poster) [ADS]
Effects of UV Background and Local Stellar Radiation on HI Column Density Distribution
Nagamine, K., Choi, J.-H., Yajima, H., Jan 2011, AAS Meeting #217, #345.01; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 43 (poster) [ADS]
Duty Cycle and the Exponentially Increasing History of Star Formation of z>=6 Galaxies
Jaacks, J., Nagamine, K., Choi, J.-H., Jan 2011, AAS Meeting #217, #335.05; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 43 (poster) [ADS]
SPH Simulations of Spherical Bondi Accretion: First Step of Implementing AGN Feedback in Galaxy Formation
Barai, P., Proga, D., Nagamine, K., Jan 2011, AAS Meeting #217, #142.48; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 43 (poster) [ADS]
Constraining Feedback Models through Cosmological Chemical Enrichment
Nagamine, K., July 2010, IDEAS (IPMU Day of Extragalactic Astrophysics Seminars) on Chemical Evolution, IPMU, Japan (talk)
Physical Properties of z>6 Galaxies in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Nagamine, K., June, 2010, Oort Workshop, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands (talk)
Galaxy Formation with Cosmological Simulations
Nagamine, K., June, 2010, IPMU Cluster Conference, Japan (poster)
Metallicity of GRB progenitors: connection between star formation and GRB production
Niino, Y., Choi, J.-H., Kobayashi, M. A. R., Nagamine, K., Totani, T., Zhang, B., The 10th International Symposium on Origins of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1267, pp. 345-347 (talk)
Large-scale Outflows from AGN: a link between central black holes and galaxies
Proga, D., Kurosawa, R., & Nagamine, K. (2010), Proceedings of IAU Symposium 267 "Co-Evolution of Central Black Holes and Galaxies", Volume 267, p.354-361 [ADS]
Effects of Star Formation Model on the Cosmic Star Formation History
Choi, J.-H. & Nagamine, K. (2010), American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #215, #376.02; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 41, p.584 (Talk) [ADS]
Galaxy Formation with Cosmological SPH Simulations
Nagamine, K., Dec 2009, ESF Research Conferences, "The Origin of Galaxies: Lessons from the Distant Universe", Otz Valley, Austria (Invited review talk)
Infrared Galaxy Number Counts and Luminosity Functions in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Nagamine, K. & Lee, T. S. (2009), Spitzer's Growing Legacy, Pasadena, CA (Poster) -- Conference Proceedings [arXiv:1007.2018]
Theoretical Modeling of LAEs in the Cosmological Simulations and Semianalytic Models of Galaxy Formation
Nagamine, K. (2009), The Lyman Alpha Universe, IAP, Paris, France (Invited review talk)
Star Formation in Cosmological Simulations
Choi, J. H. & Nagamine, K. (2009), SFR@50: Filling the Cosmos with Stars, Spineto, Italy (Talk)
Infrared Galaxy Number Counts and Luminosity Functions in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Lee, T. S. & Nagamine, K. (2009), American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #214, #416.07 (Poster) [ADS]
Velocity Distribution of Dark Matter Halos in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter Universe
Thompson, R. & Nagamine, K. (2009), American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #479.04 (Poster) [ADS]
Infrared SEDs of High-z Galaxies in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Lee, T. S. & Nagamine, K. (2009), American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #423.05 (Poster) [ADS]
Effect of the Feedback on the Galaxy Formation
Choi, J.-H. & Nagamine, K. (2009), American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #213, #344.02 (Talk) [ADS]
Galaxy Formation Simulations: Successes and Failures
Nagamine, K. (2008), NOVICOSMO 2008, The Impact of Simulations in Cosmology and Galaxy Formation, SISSA, Trieste, Italy (Invited review talk)
Theoretical Modelling of LAEs in the Cosmological Context of LCDM Model
Nagamine, K. (2008), Understanding Lyman-alpha Emitters, MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany (Invited review talk)
Incidence Rate of GRB-HOST-DLAs at High Redshift
Nagamine, K., Zhang, B., & Hernquist, L. (2008), 2008 NANJING GAMMA-RAY BURST CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1065, pp. 355-360 (2008). (Invited talk) [ADS]
LAEs and LBGs at z=3-6 in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Nagamine, K. (2008), Aspen Center for Physics, Winter Workshop on ``"The First Two Billion Years of Galaxy Formation: The Reionization Epoch and Beyond", Aspen, CO, U.S.A. (Talk)
Galaxy Formation Simulations & Ly-alpha galaxies
Nagamine, K., May 2007, Topical Session "Lyman Alpha Galaxies" at the 210th AAS meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii (Invited talk) [ADS]
Cross Correlation between Ly-break Galaxies and Damped Ly-alpha Systems in Cosmological SPH Simulations
Lee, T. S. & Nagamine, K., American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #211, #55.03; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 39, p.826 (Poster) [ADS]
Star Formation in Cosmological Simulations
Nagamine, K., Dec 2006, ``Kennicutt-Schmidt Law" workshop, UC San Diego (Talk)
Cosmological Evolution of Stellar Mass and Star Formation Rate in a LCDM Universe
Nagamine, K., Mar 2006, ``Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti'' Conference on ``Galaxies and Structures through Cosmic Times'', Venice, Italy (Invited Talk)
Cosmological Evolution of Stellar Mass and Star Formation Rate in a LCDM Universe
Nagamine, K., Mar 2006, XXVIth Astrophysics Moriond Meeting on ``From Dark Halos to Light" , Aosta Valley, Italy (Invited Talk)
Galaxy Formation and Damped Lyman-alpha Systems
Nagamine, K., Jan 2006, Aspen Center for Physics, Winter Workshop on ``Cosmological Probes of Baryons and Dark Matter", Aspen, CO, U.S.A. (Talk)
Distribution of Damped Lyman-alpha Systems in a Lambda Cold Dark Matter Universe
Nagamine, K., Wolfe, A. M., Hernquist, L., & Springel, V., Oct 2005, 5th Annual Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern California (TASC) Meeting, 2005, Caltech, U.S.A. (Talk)
On the detectability of [CII] 158 micron emission from high-redshift DLA galaxies: predictions for ALMA
Nagamine, K., Wolfe, A. M., Hernquist, L., & Springel, V., Oct 2005, Workshop in Galactic and Extragalactic ISM Modelling in an ALMA Perspective, Onsala, Sweden (Talk)
Simulating CII 158 micron emission from high-redshift DLA galaxies: predictions for SMA & ALMA
Nagamine, K., Wolfe, A. M., Hernquist, L., & Springel, V., Jun 2005, Submillimeter Astronomy in the era of SMA, Harvard University (Poster)
Tracing early structure formation by massive starburst galaxies and their implication on reionization
Nagamine, K., et al. May 2005, First Light and Reionization Workshop, UC Irvine (Talk). Published as 2006, New Astronomy Reviews, 50, 29   [ADS]
Massive Galaxies & EROs at z=1-3 in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., Cen, R., Hernquist, L., Ostriker, J. P., & Springel, V., Jan 2005, 205th American Astronomical Society meeting, San Diego (Talk) [ADS]
Simulated Observations of Lyman Break Galaxies at z=3-6
C. Night, Nagamine, K., Hernquist, L., & Springel, V., Jan 2005, 205th American Astronomical Society meeting, San Diego (poster) [ADS]
Massive Galaxies at z=1-3 in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., Cen, R., Hernquist, L., Ostriker, J. P., & Springel, V., 2004, Massive Galaxy Workshop at STScI, Baltimore (Invited Talk)
Massive Galaxies at z=2 in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., et al. 2004, 4th Annual Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern California (TASC04) meeting (Talk)
Detecting Missing Galaxies at High Redshift with ALMA
Nagamine, K., Cen, R., Hernquist, L., Ostriker, J. P., & Springel, V., 2004, ALMA Science Workshop, Maryland, U.S.A. (poster)
Light PDF and Nonlinear Bias
Nagamine, K., Jan 2004, Aspen Center for Physics, Winter Workshop on ``The Large-scale Distribution of Mass & Light in the Universe'', Aspen, CO, U.S.A.
Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers in Cosmological SPH Simulations: the ``metallicity problem''
Nagamine, K., Springel, V., & Hernquist, L., 2003, "Maps of the Cosmos", Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 216, IAU General Assembly XXV in Sydney, Australia, 14-17 July, 2003. Edited by M. Colless, L. Staveley-Smith & R. Stathakis. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005., p.266 (Talk) [ADS astro-ph]
Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations of Galaxy Formation
Nagamine, K., Aug 2002, Aspen Center for Physics, Summer Conference on Galaxy Formation
Generic predictions of Lambda CDM hydrodynamical simulations on galaxy formation and evolution
Nagamine, K., 2001, 197th American Astronomical Society meeting, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (Dissertation Talk) [ADS]
Evolution of Galaxy Luminosity Function in a Lambda CDM Comological Hydro-Simulation
Nagamine, K., Cen, R., & Ostriker, J. P., 2000, Victoria Computational Cosmology Conference, University of Victoria, Canada (Talk)
Cosmic Mach Number from Large-scale Hydrodynamical Simulatoins
Nagamine, K., Cen, R., & Ostriker, J. P., 2000, 195th American Astronomical Society meeting, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A. (Poster) [ADS]
Dependence of Star Formation Rate on Overdensity
Nagamine, K., Cen, R. & Ostriker, J. P., 2001, Proceedings of the 4th RESCEU International Symposium, "The Birth and Evolution of the Universe" (Tokyo, Japan, Nov 1999), p.383 [astro-ph]
Luminosity Density of Galaxies and Cosmic Star Formation Rate from LCDM Hydrodynamic Simulations
Nagamine, K., Cen, R. & Ostriker, J. P., 1999, NATO ASI Summer School: Structure Formation in the Universe (poster)