コロキウム要旨 / Colloquium ABSTRACTS

Dr. Ellis R. Owen (RIKEN Astrophysical Big Bang Laboratory)




Dr. Chris Byrohl (Heidelberg University/IPMU)




Dr. Maxime Parra (Ehime University)

Observations and Modeling of Disk Winds in Galactic Black Holes


In the last decade, the description of disk winds in Black Hole X-ray Binaries has become one of the fundamental goals of accretion theory and observational efforts. This is due to their new-found influence on many aspects of the accretion-ejection structure, their applicability to large scale feedback processes in similar systems such as AGNs, and their ubiquitous presence in accreting astrophysical systems. After introducing disk winds both as an observational result and a physical mechanism, I will present the work I pursed in the last few years, which has focused on improving our global understanding of the observational signatures of X-ray winds, and on preparing comparisons between the new generation of physical wind models and the new generation of high-resolution X-ray telescopes. I will finish with an overview of relevant observations obtained with XRISM.